The City of Dryden Council is the approved body for Zoning Amendments. Section 34 of the Planning Act sets out the process and requirements for Zoning Amendment applications.
The City of Dryden's current Comprehensive Zoning By-law is No. 2740-2000, as amended. The zoning by-law regulates the use of lands in the city. The zoning by-law contains maps and schedules which identify all properties and the zone in which they are located. Each zone contains a list of permitted uses and regulations which control the size of lots, minimum frontages, parking requirements, etc.
If a use proposed for a property is not permitted by the existing zoning, approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment will be required by the City of Dryden Council prior to establishing the use.
This Zoning By-law Amendment Application is to be completed and submitted to the City of Dryden Building and Planning Department for processing. Please note an applicaton for a zoning by-law amendment generally requires approximately 2 to 4 months to process.
You are strongly encouraged to consult with the City of Dryden planning staff for guidance prior to making any formal submission.
** Please note if you are uncomfortable completing this Application Form online, it may also be picked up at the Building and Planning Department at 30 Van Horne Avenue and completed manually and must be submitted with all required information and fee(s). Fees can be found by viewing the Fees and Charges By-law.
* Fees are payable by cash, cheque, debit or credit card at the City of Dryden, 30 Van Horne Avenue.
In accordance with Section 34(10.1) of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 545/06, this Application must be completely filled out and the required fee and information must be provided. Should this Application not be completely filled out and the required fee and information not be provided, the Application shall be returned.
A complete applicaton consists of the following:
- A complete and signed application form and payment of the prescribed application fee.
- A signed letter of authorization from the owner(s) of the property for those applications submitted by an agent.
- Four (4) copies of all supporting technical and background information reports as required.